nyanyian alam
untuk Aden, Sultan Muda Yang Manis Okusi-Ambeno
(for Aden, Crown Prince of Okusi-Ambeno)
dengar kamu dengan hati (the heart should be listening ) sekalian bunyi halus seni (to fine sounds around us lilting ) nyanyian alam yang dikasihi (the sounds of the universe singing ) menghibur kita tanpa sepi (serenading us without stopping ) suara bayu lembut membelai (soft winds gently crooning ) air mengalir gelak hilai (flowing water merrily chuckling ) daun-daun membelai-belai (leaves each other caressing ) ketawa anak didalam buai (babies in their cots gurgling ) suara alam terdengar nyata (one hears well yon cosmic voice ) tidak dengan panca rasa the (five senses be not your choice ) tapi dengan kesudian jiwa (but with a heart that will rejoice ) tafakur sejenak kepada suaranya (to halt in meditation to its voice ) bila bingar menderik telinga (when your ears hurt from the noise ) bising riuh bunyi manusia (that humans incessantly toss ) cari kamu tenteram jiwa for (inner peace you must give pause ) dengan lagu alam semesta (listen to the songs from the source) May Wanhamid 20 agustus, 1996 Home Airline Mushroom industry Post Office Gold coins